Ettore Capri

  • Food law
  • Italy
City: Milan
Content also available in: Italiano

Ettore Capri is Full Professor of Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. He is a member of the PROMETHEUS working group of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and, since 2009, he has been Director of OPERA, a research centre and European observatory for the sustainable development of agriculture, at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Since the beginning of his career in 1987, he has been conducting research and teaching on the impacts of contaminants in the environment and in food, animal organisms and humans.
He has published more than two hundred scientific papers and is responsible for international and national, institutional and third mission projects on the development and implementation of methodologies capable of translating research results into operational decisions for citizens, professions and politics.
Since its inception in 2011, he has been the coordinator of the Scientific Committee of VIVA, the programme of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security that promotes sustainability in the Italian wine sector. VIVA represents the public standard for measuring and improving the sustainability performance of wine growing in Italy.