Paolo Dragone

  • M&A
  • Tax
  • Italy
City: Verona
Content also available in: Italiano

Paolo Dragone is an Italian chartered accountant specialised in tax law, customs and excise law, M&A, and tax litigation.
Paolo started his career in Studio Tributario associated with Kpmg S.p.A, Verona office, dealing with direct and indirect, national and international taxation from the very beginning. In 2010 he founded his own firm, which merged in 2016 into the WTS R&A Tax Firm, member of the WTS Global international network (
He is currently Managing Associate of the Verona office of the firm.
He attended the “Il Sole 24 Ore” Master of National and International Taxation, 1995-1996 edition; he attended: the “Course on International Taxation”, in August 2002, at the University of Munster, Germany; the course Tax Aspects of Fund Structuring and Acquisition Techniques, in February 2006, at IBFD. Paolo has also attended training courses abroad as part of the career path of Studio Tributario associated with Kpmg S.p.A.
Paolo has been a speaker at numerous courses, both free and paid, organised by ANDAF Education, ANDAF North-Eastern section, Assindustria Verona and Mestre-Venezia, Verona Order of Chartered Accountants on domestic direct taxation and domestic and foreign VAT.

He was also a lecturer at the Master of International Taxation of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Verona and Udine.
Paolo is the author of several contributions published in the magazines Il Fisco, L’IVA, Il Corriere Tributario, Amministrazione e Finanza and Pratica Fiscale e Professionale.
He is vice-president of the International Tax Commission of the Verona Association of Chartered Accountants.
Paolo is fluent in English.