How to Find Real Estate and Land Register Information in Bosnia and Erzegovina

Practical Guide

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

How is it possible to access land register information in Bosnia-Herzegovina?

Accessing land registry information in Bosnia and Herzegovina ("BiH") involves interacting with the land registry systems of its two main entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina ("FBiH") and the Republika Srpska ("RS"), as well as the Brčko District.

An overview of how it is possible to access this information:

A.    Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH)

  • For comprehensive and legally binding information, citizens must visit the Land Registry office, which are divisions within the municipal courts, and paying a fee of 5 BAM (approximately 2.50 EUR) for obtaining official documents. Land Registry information is accessible online, but the documents obtained that way are not legally binding.
  • Online Access: Land registry information is accessible via the e-Grunt portal (
  • Technical Details:
    • Registration – Users need to register for an account to access detailed information. There are options for both basic user accounts and professional user accounts for more comprehensive access.
    • Search Options – Users can search by parcel number, owner name, or other property details.
    • Languages – The system is available only in Bosnian.

B.    Republika Srpska (RS)

  • Comprehensive and legally binding documents can be obtained by an in-person visit to local offices of the Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Law Affairs. Public access to online Land registry and cadastral data is informative only and does not represent a public document.
  • Online Access: Land registry and cadastre information is accessible via the e-services portal of the Republic Authority for Geodetic and Property Law Affairs ( 
  • Technical Details:
    • Registration – Users must register for an account. Public access provides informative data, while detailed data requires professional accounts.
    • Search Options – Searches can be made by cadastral plot or address.
    • Languages – Serbian, in Cyrillic and Latin script (partially available in English).

C.    Brčko District

  • Comprehensive and legally binding documents can be obtained by an in-person visit to the Registry of Land Rights within the Basic Court in Brčko, while the unoficial information for informative purposes can be obtained online.
  • Online access: Electronic Land Registry of the Basic Court in Brčko (
  • Technical Details:
    • Registration – Users need to register for full access to detailed information.
    • Search Options – Searches can be conducted using parcel numbers, owner names, or other identifiers.
    • Languages – The portal supports only Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language, in Cyrillic and Latin script.

What property information is publicly available in Bosna and Herzegovina?

Publicly available property information include:

  • Ownership Details: Current and past owners, ownership percentages;
  • Property Descriptions: Parcel number, boundaries, size, location;
  • Legal Encumbrances: Mortgages, easements, other legal rights;
  • Buildings: Information about buildings on the property, included in the cadastral data;
  • Restrictions: Access to underlying documents like sale contracts requires demonstrating a legal interest due to personal data protection laws;
  • Binding Information: Extracts from the land register are binding and recognized by authorities.

However, while extracts from the land register are public, access to the underlying documents that were the basis for entries (e.g., sale contracts) requires a proof of legal interest.

Which property related documents are available in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Several property-related documents can be obtained in Bosnia and Herzegovina, including:

  • Land Registry Extract ("ZK izvod"): Provides ownership details, encumbrances, and transaction history. The cost is typically 5 BAM (approximately 2.50 EUR) when obtained in person at municipal courts in FBiH.
  • Ownership Certificate ("Vlasnički list"): Confirms ownership status and rights. It is usually included with the land registry extract or available separately for a nominal fee.
  • Cadastre Extract ("Katastarski izvod"): Contains detailed information about the property's location, boundaries, and cadastral parcel number. The cost is usually around 5-10 BAM (approximately 2.50-5.00 EUR).
  • Building Permits and Usage Permits ("Građevinska i upotrebna dozvola"): Authorizes construction and certifies the legal use of a building. Costs vary based on the project scope and municipality.
  • Mortgage Certificate ("Potvrda o hipoteci"): Documents any mortgages or financial encumbrances on the property. Typically available for a nominal fee as part of the standard extract.

These documents can be accessed through online portals as unofficial documents, or obtained from the relevant Land Registry offices for a fee.

What other property-related information is available in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Additional property-related information includes zoning regulations, environmental data, tourism areas, and natural hazards.

Zoning information is available through local municipal planning departments, which maintain zoning maps and regulations.

Environmental and contamination data are managed by the Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism in FBiH and the Ministry of Spatial Planning, Construction, and Ecology in RS.

Information on designated tourism areas can be found on the websites of local tourism boards or municipal government portals.

Data on natural hazards, including flood risk areas, is provided by the Federal Civil Protection Administration in FBiH and the Republic Administration of Civil Protection in RS.

Is it possible to obtain information on pending litigation concerning the property?

Yes, information on pending litigation concerning a property can generally be seen in the land registry if there is a registered note ("zabilježba"). This note indicates ongoing legal proceedings related to the property, providing transparency for potential buyers or interested parties.

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