Tobias Zuberbühler is a Swiss lawyer specialized in arbitration & litigation, with more than 25 years of experience in dispute resolution. He has acted as arbitrator and counsel in more than 80 international and domestic arbitration proceedings under both ad hoc and institutional rules (ICC, Swiss Rules and UNCITRAL) and has recently started his own practice as independent arbitrator and counsel (Zuberbühler Arbitration). He is also a WIPO Domain Name Panelist and has rendered over 300 UDRP decisions.

Tobias is co-editor of the Commentary on the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration (3rd ed. 2023) and co-author of a commentary on the IBA Rules of Evidence (2nd ed. 2022). He is a member of the Arbitration Court of the Swiss Arbitration Centre and Past President of the International Arbitration Commission of AIJA.

Tobias graduated from the University of Zurich Law School in 1994 (lic. iur.) and holds an LL.M. degree in International Legal Studies from Golden Gate University, San Francisco (1996). He is fluent in German, English (7 years USA) and French.

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