Christine Borfiga

Christine Borfiga

  • França

Practices Area

  • Distribution
  • Information Technology
  • Privacy and Data Security

Christine Borfiga is a French-qualified lawyer since 1999, specialized in commercial and IT contracts. She advises French and foreign clients in the setting up and drafting (or termination) of their contracts for sale and distribution, services, research and development and contracts or licenses entered into with their partners or suppliers.

She also assists French or foreign software editors and IT service providers for various types of contracts (licenses, services, development, maintenance, resale, etc.), including at the stage of creation of a product, whether for software, mobile applications or APIs.

She has also developed a specific expertise in the area of data centers, e-commerce and the protection of personal data. She notably helps clients to audit their data processing and ensure compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation.

Christine is a partner of the Parisian law firm, Astine, since October 2011.

She is vice-president of the TRADE Commission of the International Association of Young Lawyers (AIJA) and member of the ADIJ (French Association for the Development of Legal IT).

Christine is a native French speaker and is fluent in English.

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