First and foremost, the best principle is to know your customers. It is best to obtain information on a customer’s financial situation before agreeing. This can be done by using publicly accessible data such as annual accounts (provided by the National Bank of Belgium), publications in the Belgian Official Gazette or data via the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises.
As some of this public information may be outdated, contacting a Belgian attorney is certainly a cost-effective option. Belgian attorneys have access to the national register and the central file of seizure notices, this allows them to paint a fuller and more accurate picture of the situation.
As a business owner, you can also take preventive measures when entering into agreements. Through customised agreements and general terms and conditions, you can hedge to the maximum against the adverse consequences of defaulting debtors (e.g., requesting advance payments).
If you do encounter defaulting debtors, it is important to take action in time and to follow up quickly, this means sending timely written reminders and notices of default to which you follow up swiftly if no satisfactory response is given. If you have already sent numerous fruitless reminders yourself, it might be best to request an attorney to send a letter of default.
If necessary, a judgment can be obtained normally within a reasonable period. This can then be executed by the bailiff towards your defaulting debtor.
However, for undisputed money debts of whatever amount with regard to fixed and due debts between companies, the attorney of the creditor may request a bailiff to recover the debt directly, without having to obtain a judgment. The latter procedure reduces costs for creditors considerably.
Also, claims regarding any money debt up to a maximum of 1.860 EUR that is fixed and due may be brought before the local court, the commercial court or the police court (depending on the type of case) by an attorney applying a simplified procedure to request payment.
Debt collection can be a complex and sometimes challenging process, but following these best practices can help you increase your chances of successfully recovering the debt while maintaining legal and ethical standards.