On Infogreffe you have free access to general information on companies (identity, date of registration, registration numbers and activity code (SIREN, SIRET, APE), legal form, managers, statutory auditors, establishments in activity), turnover, number of employees and results (if accounts filed and public), a list of company documents and accounts filed and available. You can set up (for €4.20) on Infogreffe a tracker for a company if you want to be informed when there are any changes made to the Trade and Companies Registry regarding the company or if documents are filed (and for an additional cost, you may also track any insolvency inscriptions or new pledge inscriptions).
On DataINPI you can access even more company information (all of the above + share capital, duration, tax-year end, information on legal representatives (or mandatory bodies) and statutory auditors, establishments and its main activity.
On L’Annuaire des entreprises you may freely access general information on companies (identity, date of registration, registration numbers and activity code (SIREN, SIRET, APE, EORI), VAT number, legal form, managers, statutory auditors, establishments), number of employees (if declared), date of last amendments.
On Pappers (and Société.com) you can also access company information (all of the above + a proposal of the applicable collective bargaining agreement). However, there are sometimes errors, so it useful to double-check some of the main information on the official websites. Pappers provides useful financial information, as well as organisational charts that link companies with identical legal representatives or shareholders.
NB: As from 31 July 2024, the public no longer has access to information on the beneficial owners of a French company.