How to find company information in Romênia

Guida paese

When looking for company information in a foreign jurisdiction, it is always a challenge to know which websites are official, which documents are binding, which websites are reliable and which ones need to be double-checked with official ones.

This online guide on company information aims to highlight how to access company information in numerous jurisdictions around the world, what information and which documents are available to the public and at what cost, in what language are the websites, what other company-related information is accessible, or whether you can obtain information on pending litigation against a company, its shareholders or legal representative in each country.

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How is it possible to access company information in Romania?

Mainly, general company information can be accessed and obtained in Romania from:

  • the National Trade Registry Office or the competent regional Trade Registry offices based on a written request and supporting documents (as the case may be), through one of the following methods:

    1. online, by using the Trade Registry portal - (an electronic signature is usually required; payment can be made either with a bank card or via payment order);
    2. e-mail (an electronic signature is usually required; payment can be made either via payment order or in person, at the counter);
    3. by post mail, by registered letter with confirmation of receipt (payment by payment order; an additional processing charge of 7,68 lei is required); in person, at the counter of the National Trade Registry Office or the competent regional Trade Registry offices;
  • the Public Finance Administration of the sector or municipality, in whose records the taxpayer (company) is registered, based on a written request and supporting documents (as the case may be), through one of the following methods:

  1. in person, at the counter of the competent fiscal body;
  2. by post mail, by registered letter with confirmation of receipt;
  3. sent online to the competent fiscal body, through the Virtual Private Space service platform (the use of an electronic signature can be required) -!ut/p/a1/jZDBbsIwDIafhUOP1KaICnbrhqBFIA0GouRSpShNI0FSudkqeHpSTjAxmE-29f3-bQODFJjmP0pyq4zmh7ZmYRb34jAOhsFsGo0QQ8TVeDxxGfYcsLsFMF4iLgfvyWow_XRA-D89_hERvtLP7oFf_ut-axDQ4mMhgVXcll2lCwNpoklIVVviJLJKUG24FlmhzmovYAvs1dTnQHv2FXhyl1tcHkx-_fEu0nl_6DYkUQgS5H-Ta5fWVvWbhx42TePnSkt_b44ePhKUpraQ3nJQHTfpeV58JV2Wn5qocwG5llKu/dl5/d5/L2dBISEvZ0FBIS9nQSEh/;
  4. the central databases of the Ministry of Public Finance regarding the registration of taxpayers, and legal entities, by searching the company through its sole identification code (CUI/CIF) -;
  5. the portal of the courts, by searching after the company name, the company administrator etc. -;
  6. any police unit where there is a counter for issuing criminal record certificates, based on a written request and supporting documents (as the case may be);
  7. The State Office for Inventions and Trademarks (OSIM) by verifying the: Online register of trademarks - Online register of designs and models -;
  8. Online register of inventions - due to some technical problems, the national database is not working at the moment, the information can be found by accessing external databases;

  • The National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity or the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity based on a written request and supporting documents (as the case may be), through one of the following methods:

  1. online, through a user account, by using the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity {portal};
  2. in person, at the counter of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity or the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity;

The central databases of the National Registry of Movable Property regarding the registration of operations regarding movable mortgages, operations assimilated to them, documents under private signature that are enforceable titles under the law, other rights provided by law, as well as the publicity of legal acts and operations provided by law by searching for registration notices {}; also, authorized operators and agents will provide for a fee information search services included in the National Registry of Movable Property, depending on the criteria and terms indicated by the applicant, the search results being certified by them, the list of authorized operators and agents is available at {}.

Note: The information obtained from the above-mentioned competent authorities is usually obtained in Romanian language. Disclaimer: depending on the type of company (e.g. brokerage company, leasing company, etc.) other registers can be accessed in order to obtain customized information.

What company information is publicly available in Romania?

Mainly, the following general and public company information can be accessed and obtained in Romania:

  • the company’s up to date status consisting of the following information: company name (firm); emblem; registration number in the trade register; unique registration code; company's status; legal form; registered/professional office; company’s life; object of activity – main field and activity; share capital (subscribed and paid), number and amount of parts of share capital; partners, identification data, number of parts of share capital given to each partner for his/her contribution, participation in share capital and in profit and losses (for private limited companies, limited or general partnerships); administrators/members of the Board of directors and Directors (in unitary system)/members of the Supervisory Board and of the Directorate (in dualist system), identification data and term of mandate with the powers conferred; auditors/financial auditors; secondary offices; authorized activities and offices; information from annual financial statements; other amendments regarding protective measures and criminal convictions – based on a certificate of status obtained from the Trade Registry;
  • information regarding all the registrations about a company carried out in the trade register, presented chronologically and completed up to date – based on a historical report obtained from the Trade Registry;
  • information on the trademarks/designs and models/inventions of a company regarding, as the case may be, the date of registration/expiration, the status, the type, the graphic reproduction, the list of products and services and Vienna classes etc. – by accessing the online registers (kindly see above the links) and searching after the company’s name;
  • information from the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin - Legal Entities Section, Certified copies of the procedural documents published in the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin - Legal Entities Section, Copies from the Insolvency Proceedings Bulletin - Legal Entities Section - based on a request made in front of the Trade Registry;
  • information from the Register of beneficial owners, respectively, information on the beneficial owners of a legal entity (up-to-date situation), and/or issuance of a historical report on the beneficial owners of a legal person, based on a request made in front of the Trade Registry;
  • information regarding the identification data, various fiscal information, submitted balance sheets – by accessing and searching the company through its sole identification code (CUI/CIF);
  • information regarding the subject matter, the parties, the trial terms and the court's brief decision regarding the litigation to which the company or its administrators and/or shareholders are part of - by accessing and searching after the company name, the company administrator, shareholders;
  • information about the real estate owned by the company - information on the surface of the real estate and its description, on the property right and any existing encumbrances on the real estate – based on a request for a land book excerpt;
  • information regarding the registration of operations regarding movable mortgages, operations assimilated to them, documents under private signature that are enforceable titles under the law, other rights provided by law, as well as the publicity of legal acts and operations provided by law by accessing the online databases (kindly see above the links) and searching after the company sole identification code /tax code or through the search services provided by authorized operators and agents.

Note: One should consider that all the above-mentioned corporate information represents real data as declared and registered by the company and are binding on the company.

Disclaimer: depending on the type of company (e.g. brokerage company, leasing company, etc.) other customized information can be accessed.

Which company documents are available in Romania?

Mainly, the following documents related to the company can be obtained as follows:

  • certificate of status issued by the Trade Registry – can also be obtained by any interested person and it cost 45 LEI;
  • historical report obtained from the Trade Registry – can also be obtained by any interested person and it cost 250 LEI;
  • excerpt form the Trade Registry regarding the information on the beneficial owners of a legal entity (up-to-date situation) – can also be obtained by any person who can demonstrate a legitimate interest and it costs 20 LEI;
  • historical report on the beneficial owners of a legal person issued by the Trade Registry - can be also obtained by any person who can demonstrate a legitimate interest and it costs 100 LEI.
  • tax certification, tax record, criminal record – can be obtained only by the legal representative or proxy of the company, and usually bear no costs;
  • certified copies of the documents submitted by the company following the registration of a corporate amendment at the Trade Registry – usually it can be obtained by any interested person, and it costs 0,2 LEI/page;
  • land book excerpt issued by the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publciity or the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity can also be obtained by any person who can demonstrate a legitimate interest and it costs 20 LEI for online application and 25 LEI for application submitted to the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity/ public relations office; the excerpt is provided immediately, without payment of an emergency fee, except for situations where the land book for for which the excerpt is requested is not available in electronic format at the time of registration of the request, in which case they are applicable deadlines and emergency rates in force;
  • excerpt from the registration notices obtained through the application on the website {} without having to obtain prior authorization from any authority and without paying a fee or the certified copy of a registration notice issued by the operator/agent; the fees charged by operators for access to the database shall be freely set.

Note: on the occasion of the registration of a company in Romania, the competent authorities will issue and release to the company at least the following documents: registration certificate (attesting to the name, registered office, main object of activity and sole identification number of the company), certificates attesting the activities authorized to be carried out by the company at the registered office/working points/beneficiaries, tax registration certificate and/or VAT certificate etc.

Disclaimer: depending on the type of company and its activity other customized registration documents can be issued.

What other company-related information is available in Romania?

Kindly see the information from the above answers.

There are also paid online-information aggregators such as:

The services aggregate all kind of companies information available on public databases such as:

Company information, litigation, insolvency, financial data for previous years, and tax information. They are available separately or in a report form. Some of the information can be obtained free of charge.

Is it possible in Romania to obtain information on pending litigation against a company, its shareholders or legal representatives?

Public information on pending litigation against a company, its shareholders or legal representatives regarding the subject matter, the parties, the trial terms and the court's brief decision can be obtained by accessing the online portal of the courts - and searching after the company name, the company administrator, shareholders, as the case may be.

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