Labour in Spain: the temporary employment agencies

3 октября 2016

  • Spain
  • Labor

The temporary employment agencies are the companies where their main function is to provide to another company (User Company), temporarily, employees contracted through it. The hiring of employees to release temporarily to another company may occur only through a temporary employment agency.

The contract may be temporally or undefined, and the maximum will be six months if the contract has been concluded for circumstances of the market, or accumulation of work. And if it is to cover a workplace temporarily, the maximum will be for three months.

Manpower supply contracts

Manpower supply contract is the contract which is celebrated between the temporary employment agencies and the User Company being his subject the assignment of an employee, and the employee through the assignment will be subject to the instruction and discipline of the User Company.

It will only be possible to execute a contract between a temporary employment agency and a User Company in the same circumstances and under the same conditions and requirements that the article 15 of the Employees Statute.

Additionally, it will only be possible to conclude a contract between a temporary employment agency and the User Company, in the same terms that in the contracts of apprenticeship contract and training for work according to the article 11 of the Employees Statute.

If after the available deadline the employee continues working in the User Company, the employee will be considered an employee of the User Company under an undefined term contract.

The working time will be the scheduled by the User Company. The clause that bans the possibility for the employee to be hired by the company after this kind of contract shall be void.

The companies may not conclude these contracts in the following cases:

  • To substitute employees in strike.
  • To carry on dangerous works.
  • Where in the previous twelve months the company has cancel the work places, which are looking to cover, under an unfair dismissal or by any other the causes of the article 20, 21 and 52 c, of the Employees Statute.
  • To assign employees to other temporary employment agencies.

The User Company is responsible of the protection in safety and hygiene matter in the work.

The User Company will respond collaterally of the wage guarantees and of Social Security contracted with the employee during the effect of the manpower supply contract.

If the contract is for a defined period, the employee after the contract will have the right of a compensation of 12 days per worked year.

Jose Luis Herrero

Practice areas

  • Labor
  • Agency
  • Immigration
  • Intellectual property
  • White collar crime

Scrivi a Labour in Spain: the temporary employment agencies

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