Pieter specializes in corporate law in general and focuses on transactions (e.g., mergers, acquisitions, PE/VC, transfer of family businesses, restructurings, etc.) and advisory work. In addition, Pieter has extensive experience in corporate litigation (focus on shareholders disputes, directors’ liability, (post-M&A litigation).

Pieter advises Belgian and foreign companies that want to invest in or divest Belgian businesses. Much of his work entails cross-border aspects with a special focus on the Netherlands.

Pieter serves as vice-chairman of our Corporate-M&A practice group and is a member of the international committee of his law firm in charge of our international activities and networking/business development.

He is moreover active at the BCFA (Belgian Corporate Finance Association), the BVA (Belgian Venture Capital Association) and AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers), where he has been a member of its Executive Committee from August 2011 to August 2023.

Pieter is a regular speaker on company law and M&A-related topics at seminars and conferences in Belgium and abroad.

He lives in between Brussels and Antwerp and works from Antwerp, Brussels, and Ghent.

Pieter’s mother tongue is Dutch, and he is also fluent in English and French.

Scrivi a Pieter

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    Scrivi a Pieter Van den Broeck

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