How to Find Real Estate and Land Register Information in Румыния

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When looking for land register information in a foreign jurisdiction, it is always a challenge to know which websites are official, which documents are binding, and which information needs to be double-checked with official sites. This online guide on land register information aims to highlight how to access land register information in numerous jurisdictions around the world, what information and which documents are available to the public at what cost, in what language are the websites, what other land-related information is available and whether buildings are treated differently than the land.

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How is it possible to access land register information in Romania?

  1. The National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity or the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity based on a written request and supporting documents (as the case may be), through one of the following methods:
    • online, through a user account, by using the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity {portal};
    • in person, at the counter of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity or the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity;
  2. The central databases of the National Registry of Movable Property regarding the registration of operations regarding movable mortgages, operations assimilated to them, documents under private signature that are enforceable titles under the law, other rights provided by law, as well as the publicity of legal acts and operations provided by law by searching for registration notices {} ; also, authorized operators and agents will provide for a fee information search services included in the National Registry of Movable Property, depending on the criteria and terms indicated by the applicant, the search results being certified by them, the list of authorized operators and agents is available at {}.

Note: the information obtained from the above-mentioned competent authorities are usually obtained in Romanian language.

What property information is publicly available in Romania?

  1. Information about the real estate owned by a person - information on the surface of the real estate and its description, on the property right and any existing encumbrances on the real estate – based on a request for a land book excerpt;
  2. information regarding the registration of operations regarding movable mortgages, operations assimilated to them, documents under private signature that are enforceable titles under the law, other rights provided by law, as well as the publicity of legal acts and operations provided by law by accessing the online databases (kindly see above the links) and searching after the company sole identification code /tax code or through the search services provided by authorized operators and agents.

Which property related documents are available in Romania?

  1. Land book excerpt issued by the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publcity or the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity can also be obtained by any person who can demonstrate a legitimate interest and it costs 20 LEI for online application and 25 LEI for application submitted to the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity/ public relations office; the excerpt is provided immediately, without payment of an emergency fee, except for situations where the land book for for which the excerpt is requested is not available in electronic format at the time of registration of the request, in which case they are applicable deadlines and emergency rates in force;
  2. excerpt from the cadastral plan, on the orthophotoplan can also be obtained by any person who can demonstrate a legitimate interest through the application on the website {} or through the application submitted to the competent regional offices of the National Agency for Cadastre and Real Estate Publicity/ public relations office and it costs 15 LEI; the cadastral plan excerpt represents the section from the cadastral plan, with the representation of the linear details of the building in question, the neighboring ones and other linear details existing in the graphic database, at the date of the last update, with the orthophoto plan as a support;
  3. excerpt from the registration notices obtained through the application on the website {} without having to obtain prior authorization from any authority and without paying a fee or the certified copy of a registration notice issued by the operator/agent; the fees charged by operators for access to the database shall be freely set.

What other property-related information is available in Romania?

  • Information concerning zoning can be obtined by consulting Local Council decisions of the city hall as well as by consulting the General Urbanistic Plan and the related Local Norms of Urbanism (“PUG”), the Zonal Urbanistic Plan and the related Local Urbanism Regulations (“PUZ”) and the Detailed Urbanistic Plan (“PUD”) approved at the level of each administrative unit in Romania.
  • Information regarding contaminated areas can be obtained from the website of the National Environment Protection Agency {} by consulting the National Inventory of possibly contaminated sites.
  • Information regarding tourism areas can be obtained from the website of the Ministry of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism of Romania {} as well as from the website of the local councils of mayors.
  • Information regarding natural dangers (areas at risk of flooding, etc.) can be obtained from the website of the Romanian General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations {}; also, information on flood risk areas can be obtained from the website of the National Administration ”Romanian Waters” {}.

Is it possible to obtain information on pending litigation concerning the property?

Public information on pending litigation concerning the property regarding the subject matter, the parties, the trial terms and the court's brief decision can be obtained by accessing the online portal of the courts - {} searching after the name of a part of the file, the number of the file, the year of the file, the name of the court, the object or matter of the file, as the case may be.

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