EU – Request of exchange of information for tax purposes: the Berlioz case
26 10 月 2017
- 税务
Like in other jurisdictions, in Cyprus the term ‘joint venture’ connotes business arrangements that involve the pooling of resources, knowledge and experiences of the participants for the purposes of accomplishing or implementing a specific task, whether this is a particular project or business activity. There is no specific statute governing joint ventures yet in practice such arrangements take one of the following structures.
Corporate Joint Venture
The cooperation materialises through the setting up of a legal entity separate from its participants with constitutional documents governing its operation and the relations between the participants and the entity in addition to the statutory provisions of the Cyprus Company Law, Cap 113. A shareholders’ agreement is typically executed operating in parallel. It is possible that further agreements such as licences for use of intellectual property etc. will be signed. This vehicle might be more appropriate where it is expected that the joint venture will need to enter into contractual arrangements with third parties due to the limited liability benefits. The termination is usually addressed in a shareholders’ agreement which specifies events of termination e.g. change of control, insolvency of a participant, attainment of objective etc. as well as the relevant processes e.g. sale of shares among participants, liquidation etc.
Taxation of income occurs at the level of the company. Participants are not taxed on dividends in Cyprus if they are not tax residents or if they are companies. If the company is to be taxed in Cyprus, the management and control will need to be exercised in Cyprus. Any assets, including intellectual property created by the company, become property of the new entity. The setting up of the company might be subject to notification to the competent competition authority under merger control rules. Corporate joint ventures are commonly used by international clients aiming to benefit from the network of double tax treaties maintained by Cyprus. They are also a vehicle often employed to enter the Cyprus market with the assistance of a local participant.
- Limited liability; liability of participants limited to capital.
- Participants control the company through the power of appointment of the board of directors.
- The company is governed by the Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113, a statute based on English company law rules, which gives more legal certainty and familiarity for participants as well as the counterparties. The relationship is not purely contractual.
- Tax optimisation possibilities given the low rate of corporate taxation applicable in Cyprus (at the rate of 12.5%). The numerous double tax treaties maintained by Cyprus may be exploited.
- Less flexibility compared to the other structures due to the applicable legal framework both in terms of operation and compliance.
- Governance and control questions might need to be addressed e.g. to deal with deadlocks.
- Restrictions and or conditions for the transfer of shares are typically adopted.
- Both the corporate profit and the dividends returned to participants might, under certain circumstances, be subject to taxation e.g. where participants are natural persons residing in Cyprus.
Partnership Joint Venture
The relationship is governed by the relevant statute which specifies the liability of each partner depending on whether the partnership would be a general or limited partnership. In the first case, each partner has unlimited liability with the other partners for all debts and liabilities of the partnership. In the second case, only the general partner has unlimited liability; limited partners are only liable for the capital they agreed to invest but should not participate in the running of the business. The relevant statute imposes default and overriding rules governing the arrangement e.g. in relation to the termination or profit sharing. The termination of the partnership will typically be governed by the partnership agreement, but the statute also provides for specified circumstances which would apply unless the parties agree otherwise. Business assets and intellectual property contributed by each party become the property of the partnership (except if agreed otherwise) and should be exploited in accordance with the partnership agreement for the purposes of the partnership.
Partnerships are tax transparent, accordingly, taxation occurs at the level of the participants and profits and losses accrue to them. Partnerships might be subject to competition law rules prohibiting the restriction of competition. Further, the creation of a partnership might be subject to notification to the competent competition authority under merger control rules. Partnership joint ventures are regularly used for economic activities of professionals. They have also been used as a vehicle in the context of tenders (public or other).
- Relatively fewer formalities apply than in the case of corporate joint ventures.
- Registration requirements exist but no requirement for disclosure of the actual partnership agreement i.e. the constitutional document.
- Although the partnership has no legal personality, it may sue and be sued in its own name and may trade under its name.
- Apportionment of profits and losses on the basis of discretion.
- Attribution of profits to the partners; not to the partnership.
- Independent tax planning possibilities for each participant as regards losses incurred and profits earned. Wide options may be available due to the extensive network of double tax treaties maintained by Cyprus.
- Significant powers to unlimited partners. Given the powers of partners to bind the partnership, decision-making process needs to be addressed carefully.
- Liability comes with involvement in the management/control. Unlimited liability of general partners towards third parties. Solutions alleviating the effect of this may be possible.
- Tax transparency may not be beneficial where the partners are natural persons as they might be taxed at higher rates. Yet with appropriate structuring this may be avoided.
Contractual joint ventures
The basis of the cooperation of the participants is solely a contractual agreement between them. It is expected that such agreement will include detailed provisions regulating the rights and liabilities of the parties towards each other, the distinct role and input of each, their contributions, their share in the income generated etc. No separate legal personality is created. Business assets and intellectual property remain the property of the participant who contributed or developed them (unless of course the parties agree otherwise).
Profits and losses accrue to the participants and taxation is also incurred at the level of the participants. Such arrangements might be subject to competition law rules prohibiting the restriction of competition. Contractual joint ventures are commonly used in the context of tenders (public or other).
- Governed solely by contact law thus greater flexibility as to the operation and termination. Contract law in Cyprus is based on common law principles.
- No registration requirements.
- Minimal formalities compared to the other possible structures.
- No joint liability; liability towards third parties limited to own acts or omissions of each participant.
- Independent tax planning possibilities for each participant as regards losses incurred and profits earned.
- Lack of legal personality might cause difficulties in establishing commercial or contractual relationships with third parties.
- Need for detailed regulation of all aspects of the cooperation in the agreement due to the lack of legal framework for the relationship; careful and skilful planning is required.
- Depending on the facts and provisions adopted, risk of classification of the relationship as a partnership by a court with the consequence of joint liability.
European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
A vehicle established and governed predominantly by European law (Council Regulation 2137/85) instead of national law. Specific purposes for EEIGs apply i.e. to facilitate or develop the economic activities of the members to enable them to improve their own results. In that context the activities of EEIGs must be related to the economic activities of the members but not replace them. The purpose is not to make profits for the EEIG itself. EEIGs are governed by a contract between their members and Council Regulation 2137/85. They have capacity, in their own name, to have rights and obligations of all kinds, to contract or accomplish other legal acts as well as to sue or be sued. There is unlimited joint liability of the participants for the debts and liabilities of the EEIG but the exclusion or restriction of liability of one or more members for a particular debt or liability is possible if it is specifically agreed between the third party and the EEIG. EEIGs enjoy tax transparency. Profits or losses are taxable at the hands of the participants.
- Established under European law; EEGIs might be ideal for alliances of firms in different member states of the European Union for joint promotion of activities.
- Relatively fewer formalities apply than in the case of corporate joint ventures though there are registration requirements.
- Tax transparency.
- Managers bind EEIGs as regards third parties, even if their acts do not fall within the objects (unless the third party had knowledge).
- Unlimited liability of participants.
- More limited scope for use due to the statutory purposes dictated.
Which option is the most appropriate and or efficient in terms of structuring in a particular case depends on the facts at hand and the actual needs of the participants. The different factors need to be carefully examined with the help of experts so that the most suitable solution is adopted.
Pursuant to the European Directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (2011/16/EU), Member States must cooperate with each other with a view to exchanging information relevant for tax purposes. The directive allows, inter alia, that a Member State (the requesting Member State) requests another Member State (the requested Member State) to provide information concerning a specific taxpayer. The requested information must be ‘ foreseeably relevant ‘ to the tax authorities of the requesting Member State.
Based on the aforementioned directive, the tax authority of the requested Member State may request information from e.g. an affiliated company, a financial institution, an employer, … of the taxpayer. The tax authority of the requested Member State forwards the collected information to its counterpart in the requesting Member State.
A question that arises is whether that affiliated company, financial institution, employer, … may ask its national courts to verify the legality of the sanction imposed by its tax authority because of an incomplete answer and whether it may ask to vary the penalty. Another question is whether a court in the requested Member State may verify the relevance for tax purposes of the requested information.
These questions were raised in the Berlioz case of the Court of Justice (judgement of 16 May 2017): Berlioz (a Luxembourg company) only partially answered the request for information from the Luxembourg authorities (at the request of France). Berlioz stated in this regard that certain questions were irrelevant for tax purposes in the requesting Member State.
The answers to the questions raised are not obvious, as the starting point is that the requesting State has a margin of discretion as to what is foreseeably relevant for its tax purposes. This explains why (in this case the Luxembourg) courts doubted whether a relevance test was possible. The questions were referred for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice.
In its assessment, the court took into consideration the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and, more specifically, the right to a fair hearing by an impartial judge.
The Court of Justice ruled that courts in the requested Member State may review the foreseeable relevance for tax purposes of the requested information and that they may vary the penalty imposed. The courts in the requested Member State should be reluctant however upon review of the legality of the request for information: the review is limited to verification whether the requested information manifestly has no relevance for tax purposes.
To this end, the courts must have access to the request for information. The affiliated company, financial institution, employer, … is only entitled to receive the identity of the person under investigation and to be informed about the tax purpose for which the information is sought. The Court of Justice indeed emphasizes in the interest of the investigation the principle that the request for information must remain secret.
Relevance of the judgment: When requested by a national tax authority to respond to a request for information from another Member State, it is important to check the relevance for tax purposes of the requested information. If the information requested is irrelevant to the tax investigation, a proceeding against the request for information or against the penalty may succeed. Regarding the foreseeable relevance for tax purposes, the national courts may only review whether the requested information manifestly has no relevance to the tax investigation in the requesting Member State.
Individuals coming to Portugal and here becoming residents for the first time, can be entitled to some important tax benefits under the “non habitual resident rules”. These rules are an important contribution for making Portugal one of the most attractive destinations for retired individuals, but also for entrepreneurs.
Who can benefit?
A non habitual resident is an individual becoming resident for tax purposes in Portugal for the first time in the last five years period. To become resident for tax purposes, one should be in Portugal for more than 183 days in any 12 months period or for a shorter period but in such conditions that the intention of becoming resident is sufficiently clear. After becoming resident for tax purposes and register as such before the Tax Authorities, the individual must register as a non habitual resident to be able to benefit from this regime.
High Value Added Activities.
Some of the benefits under the non habitual resident rules are only applicable to income arising from high value added activities. These activities include architects, engineers, artists, auditors and tax consultants, medical professions, university teachers, top managers and other liberal professionals in areas such as informatics (software and hardware) development and consultancy, science investigation and design.
For how long?
The benefits arising from the non habitual resident status are valid for a ten year period and depend on the individual remaining as resident in Portugal for tax purposes. If, for any reason, the individual ceases to be resident, he can later benefit from the remaining period by becoming resident again.
What are the benefits?
Individuals becoming non habitual resident benefit from a more favorable tax treatment regarding both income from Portuguese source and income from foreign sources.
As to the income from Portuguese source arising from employment and self-employment, it is subject to a special tax of 20%. This benefit is only applicable to non habitual residents earning income from high value added activities.
As to the income from foreign sources arising from employment and pensions, it is exempted from taxes in Portugal, in most cases. This exemption also includes income arising from self-employment in high value added activities, and from intellectual and industrial property, capital and real estate gains.
- 不论意大利境外的盈利规模;
- 可延伸至家庭成员:每个家庭成员可缴纳2.5万欧元的替代固定税;
- 可享受15年的固定税优惠。
- 个人信息数据、税号(若已申请)、申请人的居住地址(若已驻留);
- 在该申请生效日期前十个纳税年度中至少九个纳税年度没有住在意大利;
- 该申请生效前最后一个税务居所的所在国家;
- 申请人有盈利,但决定不包括在固定税收中的国家名单。
- 至少购买200万欧元政府债券并至少持有两年;
- 在注册地址为意大利、并在意大利运营的公司股本的权益工具中投资至少100万欧元,并维持至少两年,或向在特别登记处注册的创新型初创公司投资至少50万欧元;
- 用于文化、教育、移民管理、科学研究、文化遗产和景观修复领域的至少100万欧元的公益慈善捐款。
- 证明申请人有能力执行上述投资或捐赠;
- 以书面形式郑重承诺,将在进入意大利之后的三个月之内执行上述投资或捐赠;
- 证明申请人有足够的资源维持上述投资或捐赠。
为重振意大利经济,随着 2017年1月1日起生效的Legge di Bilancio 2017(“预算法”),意大利议会开始执行一项新战略:通过采取一系列在财务和财政上支持初创企业和中小型企业的措施,使他们对外国投资更具吸引力。
- 培养创业精神,成立创新型公司;
- 刺激针对创新型初创企业及中小企业的直接投资;
- 支持研发支出,以及
- 随着创新科技的发展,以数字化和自动化的方式将公司现有资产现代化。
事实上,旨在提供软贷款以支持创新型初创企业成立的可持续增长基金(FCS – Fondo per la Crescita Sostenibile)的捐款,在2017和2018年均增长了4750万欧元。
此外, 2017及2018年,预算法均拨出4750万欧元以促进自雇就业和创业精神。这些基金将由Invitalia管理,政府机构为了促进内向型投资和企业发展,主要用于支持女性和青年企业家(18至35岁)创立公司。Invitalia将给予最长8年的零利息贷款补贴,这将可覆盖特定投资预算总支出的75%。之后,公司必须就商业计划中的剩余额度提供资金,并在签署贷款协议的24个月内开始执行计划中投资。
通过对意大利财政统一法案 (即Testo Unico Finanza) 的调整,预算法摆脱了一些组织众筹市场在意大利起飞的限制,并提出了所有中小企业进入股权众筹的可能性。以前的立法限制了通过此系统只向创新型中小企业筹集资金的可能性,因此限制了中小企业和众筹行业的发展。
开发合同(Contratti di sviluppo)的签署各方为:意大利经济发展部(Mise),Invitalia以及一家或若干家从事发展项目的公司(通过网络完成契约)。
A small country, 10452 km sq. on the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon is a multicultural and multilingual land of merchants directly descending from the ancient Phoenicians. Due to its history and territorial position, it is characterized by a free market economy based on an unrestricted exchange of goods, services and capital, and serves as a privileged platform for access to the markets of the Middle East region and the Gulf.
As part of the strategy to integrate Lebanon further into the international community and the global economy, trade agreements were signed with many Arab and European Countries.
Since 2003 the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership provided the conditions for a progressive and reciprocal liberalization of trade in goods with a view to establishing a bilateral free trade area. Later on, in 2004, the Free Trade Agreement with the European Free Trade Association gave free access to Lebanese products into EFTA countries. Moreover, since 2005 Lebanon is a member of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA), receiving full exemption of tariffs on all agricultural and industrial goods traded between the 17 Arab member countries. Last but not least, the Council of Ministers recently signed the Extracted Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), even before starting the exploration of its offshore. The EITI is a global standard by which information on the oil, gas and mining industries is published, to promote the open and accountable management of oil gas and mineral resources.
Lebanon is well known as a financial hub for banking activities. It has one of the most sophisticated banking sectors in the region: solid and growing, it is considered the true spine of the economy. Thanks to the strict control exercised by the Central Bank, among several factors, the system has showed good resilience to internal and external shocks and made its way through the overall context of the international financial crisis.
Tax regulation is also very favorable for those who want to restructure their global business and invest in the country. Nationals and foreigners can take advantage of the Double Taxation Agreements that Lebanon has signed with 32 countries, including Italy, France, Malta, Cyprus, Egypt, UAE, and Iran.
Business structures established under Lebanese law are governed by the Lebanese Code of Commerce (LCC) and the rules of the Code of Obligations and Contracts on Partnership Agreements, provided they do not contradict the LLC rules.
A joint venture may take a number of forms. This gives parties significant flexibility in designing a suitable structure for their projects. The joint venture can be a simple contractual arrangement or create a separate legal structure, either a stock corporation (société de capitaux) or a partnership (société de personnes) established to carry out the project.
Several factors must be considered when deciding which structure a business should adopt.
Hereby, the main characteristics of the corporations in Lebanon:
In addition, a call for foreign investments is now in place to improved infrastructure all over the country in various sectors like oil and gas, energy, information technology, telecommunications, water-sewage, and tourism.
While specific sector, such as oil and gas, follow their own procedure and tenders, there are two incentive schemes that investors can choose. According to Law n. 360/2001, they differ in the extent of exemptions provided and in the eligibility criteria required.
Investment Project by Zone (IPZ) scheme
Package Deal Contract (PDC) scheme
To conclude this overview, it is worth to mention the young, dynamic, and polyglot population, that is another feature of Lebanon’s economic attractiveness, especially in sectors with high-value added, such as ICT, considered of the main drivers of knowledge-based economies.
In the latest Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum for 2016-2017, Lebanon ranked 18th globally in the overall quality of the educational system (for higher education and training), and 6th globally in the quality of math and science education. That surely makes it one of the best sources of talent not only to serve the region but also the international scene.
In general, salaries in Lebanon are relatively lower than regional averages.
According to the World Bank, 70% of the population generates an annual income of less than USD 10,000. The latter combined with the aforesaid highly skilled labor force would form an attractive combination for any company willing to invest in Lebanon.
The author of this post is Claudia Caluori.
意大利政府在即将由意大利议会审议的《预算法草案》中建议:为在意大利投资的外籍富裕个人提供简便的入境签证。若自雇人员以工作为目的移居意大利,则通过自雇所得的收入可申请税收减免。意大利的新税务优惠制度,类似于“英国税务居民但非英国居籍”制度(UK resident-not-domiciled regime)。
Portugal – Tax Benefits for New Residents
26 6 月 2017
- 移民
- 税务
Like in other jurisdictions, in Cyprus the term ‘joint venture’ connotes business arrangements that involve the pooling of resources, knowledge and experiences of the participants for the purposes of accomplishing or implementing a specific task, whether this is a particular project or business activity. There is no specific statute governing joint ventures yet in practice such arrangements take one of the following structures.
Corporate Joint Venture
The cooperation materialises through the setting up of a legal entity separate from its participants with constitutional documents governing its operation and the relations between the participants and the entity in addition to the statutory provisions of the Cyprus Company Law, Cap 113. A shareholders’ agreement is typically executed operating in parallel. It is possible that further agreements such as licences for use of intellectual property etc. will be signed. This vehicle might be more appropriate where it is expected that the joint venture will need to enter into contractual arrangements with third parties due to the limited liability benefits. The termination is usually addressed in a shareholders’ agreement which specifies events of termination e.g. change of control, insolvency of a participant, attainment of objective etc. as well as the relevant processes e.g. sale of shares among participants, liquidation etc.
Taxation of income occurs at the level of the company. Participants are not taxed on dividends in Cyprus if they are not tax residents or if they are companies. If the company is to be taxed in Cyprus, the management and control will need to be exercised in Cyprus. Any assets, including intellectual property created by the company, become property of the new entity. The setting up of the company might be subject to notification to the competent competition authority under merger control rules. Corporate joint ventures are commonly used by international clients aiming to benefit from the network of double tax treaties maintained by Cyprus. They are also a vehicle often employed to enter the Cyprus market with the assistance of a local participant.
- Limited liability; liability of participants limited to capital.
- Participants control the company through the power of appointment of the board of directors.
- The company is governed by the Cyprus Companies Law, Cap. 113, a statute based on English company law rules, which gives more legal certainty and familiarity for participants as well as the counterparties. The relationship is not purely contractual.
- Tax optimisation possibilities given the low rate of corporate taxation applicable in Cyprus (at the rate of 12.5%). The numerous double tax treaties maintained by Cyprus may be exploited.
- Less flexibility compared to the other structures due to the applicable legal framework both in terms of operation and compliance.
- Governance and control questions might need to be addressed e.g. to deal with deadlocks.
- Restrictions and or conditions for the transfer of shares are typically adopted.
- Both the corporate profit and the dividends returned to participants might, under certain circumstances, be subject to taxation e.g. where participants are natural persons residing in Cyprus.
Partnership Joint Venture
The relationship is governed by the relevant statute which specifies the liability of each partner depending on whether the partnership would be a general or limited partnership. In the first case, each partner has unlimited liability with the other partners for all debts and liabilities of the partnership. In the second case, only the general partner has unlimited liability; limited partners are only liable for the capital they agreed to invest but should not participate in the running of the business. The relevant statute imposes default and overriding rules governing the arrangement e.g. in relation to the termination or profit sharing. The termination of the partnership will typically be governed by the partnership agreement, but the statute also provides for specified circumstances which would apply unless the parties agree otherwise. Business assets and intellectual property contributed by each party become the property of the partnership (except if agreed otherwise) and should be exploited in accordance with the partnership agreement for the purposes of the partnership.
Partnerships are tax transparent, accordingly, taxation occurs at the level of the participants and profits and losses accrue to them. Partnerships might be subject to competition law rules prohibiting the restriction of competition. Further, the creation of a partnership might be subject to notification to the competent competition authority under merger control rules. Partnership joint ventures are regularly used for economic activities of professionals. They have also been used as a vehicle in the context of tenders (public or other).
- Relatively fewer formalities apply than in the case of corporate joint ventures.
- Registration requirements exist but no requirement for disclosure of the actual partnership agreement i.e. the constitutional document.
- Although the partnership has no legal personality, it may sue and be sued in its own name and may trade under its name.
- Apportionment of profits and losses on the basis of discretion.
- Attribution of profits to the partners; not to the partnership.
- Independent tax planning possibilities for each participant as regards losses incurred and profits earned. Wide options may be available due to the extensive network of double tax treaties maintained by Cyprus.
- Significant powers to unlimited partners. Given the powers of partners to bind the partnership, decision-making process needs to be addressed carefully.
- Liability comes with involvement in the management/control. Unlimited liability of general partners towards third parties. Solutions alleviating the effect of this may be possible.
- Tax transparency may not be beneficial where the partners are natural persons as they might be taxed at higher rates. Yet with appropriate structuring this may be avoided.
Contractual joint ventures
The basis of the cooperation of the participants is solely a contractual agreement between them. It is expected that such agreement will include detailed provisions regulating the rights and liabilities of the parties towards each other, the distinct role and input of each, their contributions, their share in the income generated etc. No separate legal personality is created. Business assets and intellectual property remain the property of the participant who contributed or developed them (unless of course the parties agree otherwise).
Profits and losses accrue to the participants and taxation is also incurred at the level of the participants. Such arrangements might be subject to competition law rules prohibiting the restriction of competition. Contractual joint ventures are commonly used in the context of tenders (public or other).
- Governed solely by contact law thus greater flexibility as to the operation and termination. Contract law in Cyprus is based on common law principles.
- No registration requirements.
- Minimal formalities compared to the other possible structures.
- No joint liability; liability towards third parties limited to own acts or omissions of each participant.
- Independent tax planning possibilities for each participant as regards losses incurred and profits earned.
- Lack of legal personality might cause difficulties in establishing commercial or contractual relationships with third parties.
- Need for detailed regulation of all aspects of the cooperation in the agreement due to the lack of legal framework for the relationship; careful and skilful planning is required.
- Depending on the facts and provisions adopted, risk of classification of the relationship as a partnership by a court with the consequence of joint liability.
European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG)
A vehicle established and governed predominantly by European law (Council Regulation 2137/85) instead of national law. Specific purposes for EEIGs apply i.e. to facilitate or develop the economic activities of the members to enable them to improve their own results. In that context the activities of EEIGs must be related to the economic activities of the members but not replace them. The purpose is not to make profits for the EEIG itself. EEIGs are governed by a contract between their members and Council Regulation 2137/85. They have capacity, in their own name, to have rights and obligations of all kinds, to contract or accomplish other legal acts as well as to sue or be sued. There is unlimited joint liability of the participants for the debts and liabilities of the EEIG but the exclusion or restriction of liability of one or more members for a particular debt or liability is possible if it is specifically agreed between the third party and the EEIG. EEIGs enjoy tax transparency. Profits or losses are taxable at the hands of the participants.
- Established under European law; EEGIs might be ideal for alliances of firms in different member states of the European Union for joint promotion of activities.
- Relatively fewer formalities apply than in the case of corporate joint ventures though there are registration requirements.
- Tax transparency.
- Managers bind EEIGs as regards third parties, even if their acts do not fall within the objects (unless the third party had knowledge).
- Unlimited liability of participants.
- More limited scope for use due to the statutory purposes dictated.
Which option is the most appropriate and or efficient in terms of structuring in a particular case depends on the facts at hand and the actual needs of the participants. The different factors need to be carefully examined with the help of experts so that the most suitable solution is adopted.
Pursuant to the European Directive on administrative cooperation in the field of taxation (2011/16/EU), Member States must cooperate with each other with a view to exchanging information relevant for tax purposes. The directive allows, inter alia, that a Member State (the requesting Member State) requests another Member State (the requested Member State) to provide information concerning a specific taxpayer. The requested information must be ‘ foreseeably relevant ‘ to the tax authorities of the requesting Member State.
Based on the aforementioned directive, the tax authority of the requested Member State may request information from e.g. an affiliated company, a financial institution, an employer, … of the taxpayer. The tax authority of the requested Member State forwards the collected information to its counterpart in the requesting Member State.
A question that arises is whether that affiliated company, financial institution, employer, … may ask its national courts to verify the legality of the sanction imposed by its tax authority because of an incomplete answer and whether it may ask to vary the penalty. Another question is whether a court in the requested Member State may verify the relevance for tax purposes of the requested information.
These questions were raised in the Berlioz case of the Court of Justice (judgement of 16 May 2017): Berlioz (a Luxembourg company) only partially answered the request for information from the Luxembourg authorities (at the request of France). Berlioz stated in this regard that certain questions were irrelevant for tax purposes in the requesting Member State.
The answers to the questions raised are not obvious, as the starting point is that the requesting State has a margin of discretion as to what is foreseeably relevant for its tax purposes. This explains why (in this case the Luxembourg) courts doubted whether a relevance test was possible. The questions were referred for a preliminary ruling to the Court of Justice.
In its assessment, the court took into consideration the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and, more specifically, the right to a fair hearing by an impartial judge.
The Court of Justice ruled that courts in the requested Member State may review the foreseeable relevance for tax purposes of the requested information and that they may vary the penalty imposed. The courts in the requested Member State should be reluctant however upon review of the legality of the request for information: the review is limited to verification whether the requested information manifestly has no relevance for tax purposes.
To this end, the courts must have access to the request for information. The affiliated company, financial institution, employer, … is only entitled to receive the identity of the person under investigation and to be informed about the tax purpose for which the information is sought. The Court of Justice indeed emphasizes in the interest of the investigation the principle that the request for information must remain secret.
Relevance of the judgment: When requested by a national tax authority to respond to a request for information from another Member State, it is important to check the relevance for tax purposes of the requested information. If the information requested is irrelevant to the tax investigation, a proceeding against the request for information or against the penalty may succeed. Regarding the foreseeable relevance for tax purposes, the national courts may only review whether the requested information manifestly has no relevance to the tax investigation in the requesting Member State.
Individuals coming to Portugal and here becoming residents for the first time, can be entitled to some important tax benefits under the “non habitual resident rules”. These rules are an important contribution for making Portugal one of the most attractive destinations for retired individuals, but also for entrepreneurs.
Who can benefit?
A non habitual resident is an individual becoming resident for tax purposes in Portugal for the first time in the last five years period. To become resident for tax purposes, one should be in Portugal for more than 183 days in any 12 months period or for a shorter period but in such conditions that the intention of becoming resident is sufficiently clear. After becoming resident for tax purposes and register as such before the Tax Authorities, the individual must register as a non habitual resident to be able to benefit from this regime.
High Value Added Activities.
Some of the benefits under the non habitual resident rules are only applicable to income arising from high value added activities. These activities include architects, engineers, artists, auditors and tax consultants, medical professions, university teachers, top managers and other liberal professionals in areas such as informatics (software and hardware) development and consultancy, science investigation and design.
For how long?
The benefits arising from the non habitual resident status are valid for a ten year period and depend on the individual remaining as resident in Portugal for tax purposes. If, for any reason, the individual ceases to be resident, he can later benefit from the remaining period by becoming resident again.
What are the benefits?
Individuals becoming non habitual resident benefit from a more favorable tax treatment regarding both income from Portuguese source and income from foreign sources.
As to the income from Portuguese source arising from employment and self-employment, it is subject to a special tax of 20%. This benefit is only applicable to non habitual residents earning income from high value added activities.
As to the income from foreign sources arising from employment and pensions, it is exempted from taxes in Portugal, in most cases. This exemption also includes income arising from self-employment in high value added activities, and from intellectual and industrial property, capital and real estate gains.
- 不论意大利境外的盈利规模;
- 可延伸至家庭成员:每个家庭成员可缴纳2.5万欧元的替代固定税;
- 可享受15年的固定税优惠。
- 个人信息数据、税号(若已申请)、申请人的居住地址(若已驻留);
- 在该申请生效日期前十个纳税年度中至少九个纳税年度没有住在意大利;
- 该申请生效前最后一个税务居所的所在国家;
- 申请人有盈利,但决定不包括在固定税收中的国家名单。
- 至少购买200万欧元政府债券并至少持有两年;
- 在注册地址为意大利、并在意大利运营的公司股本的权益工具中投资至少100万欧元,并维持至少两年,或向在特别登记处注册的创新型初创公司投资至少50万欧元;
- 用于文化、教育、移民管理、科学研究、文化遗产和景观修复领域的至少100万欧元的公益慈善捐款。
- 证明申请人有能力执行上述投资或捐赠;
- 以书面形式郑重承诺,将在进入意大利之后的三个月之内执行上述投资或捐赠;
- 证明申请人有足够的资源维持上述投资或捐赠。
为重振意大利经济,随着 2017年1月1日起生效的Legge di Bilancio 2017(“预算法”),意大利议会开始执行一项新战略:通过采取一系列在财务和财政上支持初创企业和中小型企业的措施,使他们对外国投资更具吸引力。
- 培养创业精神,成立创新型公司;
- 刺激针对创新型初创企业及中小企业的直接投资;
- 支持研发支出,以及
- 随着创新科技的发展,以数字化和自动化的方式将公司现有资产现代化。
事实上,旨在提供软贷款以支持创新型初创企业成立的可持续增长基金(FCS – Fondo per la Crescita Sostenibile)的捐款,在2017和2018年均增长了4750万欧元。
此外, 2017及2018年,预算法均拨出4750万欧元以促进自雇就业和创业精神。这些基金将由Invitalia管理,政府机构为了促进内向型投资和企业发展,主要用于支持女性和青年企业家(18至35岁)创立公司。Invitalia将给予最长8年的零利息贷款补贴,这将可覆盖特定投资预算总支出的75%。之后,公司必须就商业计划中的剩余额度提供资金,并在签署贷款协议的24个月内开始执行计划中投资。
通过对意大利财政统一法案 (即Testo Unico Finanza) 的调整,预算法摆脱了一些组织众筹市场在意大利起飞的限制,并提出了所有中小企业进入股权众筹的可能性。以前的立法限制了通过此系统只向创新型中小企业筹集资金的可能性,因此限制了中小企业和众筹行业的发展。
开发合同(Contratti di sviluppo)的签署各方为:意大利经济发展部(Mise),Invitalia以及一家或若干家从事发展项目的公司(通过网络完成契约)。
A small country, 10452 km sq. on the Mediterranean Sea, Lebanon is a multicultural and multilingual land of merchants directly descending from the ancient Phoenicians. Due to its history and territorial position, it is characterized by a free market economy based on an unrestricted exchange of goods, services and capital, and serves as a privileged platform for access to the markets of the Middle East region and the Gulf.
As part of the strategy to integrate Lebanon further into the international community and the global economy, trade agreements were signed with many Arab and European Countries.
Since 2003 the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership provided the conditions for a progressive and reciprocal liberalization of trade in goods with a view to establishing a bilateral free trade area. Later on, in 2004, the Free Trade Agreement with the European Free Trade Association gave free access to Lebanese products into EFTA countries. Moreover, since 2005 Lebanon is a member of the Greater Arab Free Trade Area (GAFTA), receiving full exemption of tariffs on all agricultural and industrial goods traded between the 17 Arab member countries. Last but not least, the Council of Ministers recently signed the Extracted Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI), even before starting the exploration of its offshore. The EITI is a global standard by which information on the oil, gas and mining industries is published, to promote the open and accountable management of oil gas and mineral resources.
Lebanon is well known as a financial hub for banking activities. It has one of the most sophisticated banking sectors in the region: solid and growing, it is considered the true spine of the economy. Thanks to the strict control exercised by the Central Bank, among several factors, the system has showed good resilience to internal and external shocks and made its way through the overall context of the international financial crisis.
Tax regulation is also very favorable for those who want to restructure their global business and invest in the country. Nationals and foreigners can take advantage of the Double Taxation Agreements that Lebanon has signed with 32 countries, including Italy, France, Malta, Cyprus, Egypt, UAE, and Iran.
Business structures established under Lebanese law are governed by the Lebanese Code of Commerce (LCC) and the rules of the Code of Obligations and Contracts on Partnership Agreements, provided they do not contradict the LLC rules.
A joint venture may take a number of forms. This gives parties significant flexibility in designing a suitable structure for their projects. The joint venture can be a simple contractual arrangement or create a separate legal structure, either a stock corporation (société de capitaux) or a partnership (société de personnes) established to carry out the project.
Several factors must be considered when deciding which structure a business should adopt.
Hereby, the main characteristics of the corporations in Lebanon:
In addition, a call for foreign investments is now in place to improved infrastructure all over the country in various sectors like oil and gas, energy, information technology, telecommunications, water-sewage, and tourism.
While specific sector, such as oil and gas, follow their own procedure and tenders, there are two incentive schemes that investors can choose. According to Law n. 360/2001, they differ in the extent of exemptions provided and in the eligibility criteria required.
Investment Project by Zone (IPZ) scheme
Package Deal Contract (PDC) scheme
To conclude this overview, it is worth to mention the young, dynamic, and polyglot population, that is another feature of Lebanon’s economic attractiveness, especially in sectors with high-value added, such as ICT, considered of the main drivers of knowledge-based economies.
In the latest Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum for 2016-2017, Lebanon ranked 18th globally in the overall quality of the educational system (for higher education and training), and 6th globally in the quality of math and science education. That surely makes it one of the best sources of talent not only to serve the region but also the international scene.
In general, salaries in Lebanon are relatively lower than regional averages.
According to the World Bank, 70% of the population generates an annual income of less than USD 10,000. The latter combined with the aforesaid highly skilled labor force would form an attractive combination for any company willing to invest in Lebanon.
The author of this post is Claudia Caluori.
意大利政府在即将由意大利议会审议的《预算法草案》中建议:为在意大利投资的外籍富裕个人提供简便的入境签证。若自雇人员以工作为目的移居意大利,则通过自雇所得的收入可申请税收减免。意大利的新税务优惠制度,类似于“英国税务居民但非英国居籍”制度(UK resident-not-domiciled regime)。